We welcome all couples, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Couples should contact our Office Administrator at
centralunitedchurch@nb.aibn.com or (506) 857-3186 to determine the availability of the church premises and to arrange a meeting with the Minister. Weddings require approval from the Worship and Learning Committee of Central United Church.
Couples meet with the Minister to discuss their wedding plans and marriage. This requires a minimum of two meetings. Meetings must take place 4 – 6 months prior to the wedding date.
The following information is provided to assist in planning your special day:
The Minister
One of the first people you should talk to after you have made the decision to be married is the person who will be performing the ceremony. This person will not only assist in planning the actual details of the wedding ceremony, but also discuss with you some important aspects of the marriage relationship.
The Minister at Central United Church normally officiates at all weddings that take place in the church. Requests for other clergy participation in your wedding need to be discussed early on with the Minister at Central United.
The License
Every couple wishing to be married in New Brunswick must obtain a Marriage License which is available at Service New Brunswick.
A marriage license is only valid for three months from its date of issue.
No marriage may be solemnized without the presence of two witnesses who must be 19 years of age or older.
The witnesses are required to sign the various documents along with the couple being married.
The Wedding Ceremony
The Minister will discuss your ceremony with you, and together you will design an appropriate service.
A wedding ceremony normally includes various readings, prayers and special music in addition to the marriage vows.
Music is a beautiful part of your wedding ceremony and should be selected with care.
Assistance is available to help you select appropriate music, both instrumental and vocal.
If you plan to have a bulletin (program) for distribution to your guests at your wedding, please share your plans with the Minister.
Time of Service
The time of the service is flexible provided Central United staff can be available and the church is not previously booked.
A rehearsal normally takes place on an afternoon/evening preceding the wedding. Rehearsals ensure everyone is “practised” and comfortable with the part they will play in the ceremony.
People who normally attend the rehearsal include all those who are involved in the ceremony: the couple getting married, their attendants, flower girl, ring bearer, parents, ushers, soloist and Central United Church staff. Photographers are also welcome.
Flowers and Pew Markers
Flowers and pew markers can usually be placed at the rehearsal if the church is not being used for other purposes prior to the wedding.
Please attach pew markers with ribbon rather than tape or tacks.
Signing the Register
This necessary part of your wedding takes place at the end of the service.
It usually happens at the front of the church, allowing your guests to be present and take pictures.
It is requested that no confetti be used inside the church building or on the grounds surrounding it. Outside, please consider birdseed or bubbles.
Clergy assume they are not expected to attend your reception.
Fees for weddings
There is a flat fee of $600 for a wedding which takes place at Central United Church.