We believe that time, talents and ideas are every bit as important as monetary support. We are both grateful and blessed by your support. When you give what you can, you contribute in a meaningful way. No offering is too small: every contribution lets us make a difference in our community and in our larger world.
Important notes about financial donations
- All identified donations are recorded and receipts are issued for Income Tax purposes. Donations to the church can be made in several ways:
- etransfer to centralunitedchurch@nb.aibn.com
- a cheque mailed to Central United Church
- on a weekly basis during in-person gatherings
- Through Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR), a direct debit program that allows people to support their church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from their bank account or by monthly credit card payments
- Through CanadaHelps.org
- First time visitors are not expected to contribute to the offering.
- Donations are collected in an offering box near the entrance to the sanctuary.
- Envelopes for weekly donations can be obtained by contacting the Church Office at (506) 857-3186.
- For more information on PAR, contact the Church Office at (506) 857-3186 or you can email the PAR form (link above) to the office.
- Memorial and Honorary donations can be made to Central United Church to recognize individuals and/or the congregation’s contribution to the community.
- There are two open funds to which donations can be made (memorial or otherwise). They are the Arts and Music Fund and the Education Fund.
- Mission and Service is the unique way through which United Church of Canada people (and others) direct their gifts to support the wider mission of the church in Canada and overseas. Every year Central United Church sets an ambitious goal for contributions to Mission and Service.
- Throughout the year opportunities are provided for congregation members to make special donations toward various projects supported by Central United Church. These are announced in the weekly bulletin.